Don't dread getting
called on in class.
Be Ready
Reading Cases like a Rock Star
Learn about cases, their central role in your law-school experience, and how to read them to survive a Socratic assault and conquer your exams.
Get Briefed
Briefing Cases Efficiently
Put the worry aside with these tips for how to handle cold calling.
Stay Focused
Using Class Time Effectively
Learn to use class time to clear up confusion, fill the gaps in your case briefs, and hone the skills you’ll need to ace your exams.

Pay attention
Don’t stop listening in class just because you don’t think you are going to be called on. Pay attention to the questions the professor is asking, because they will most likely start to follow a pattern. Watch for that same pattern on your exam.

Reading every case isn’t going to totally prepare you for class, nor exams. You have to engage with the material. Look at hypotheticals, ask questions and use variations of the facts in the casebook to test out how you would apply the law in practice.
Do you know your legal stuff?
Do you know when a federal court has subject matter jurisdiction over a non-class action case? If you do, you are a litigation rockstar.