Fall 2022
Webinar Schedule

Outlining for Class Using Westlaw
Thursday, August 25th
You have registered for Westlaw. Now what? Join us for this 20 minute national webinar and learn how to use the tools on Westlaw to help you prep and outline for class. Learn how to find sources for guidance and how to save and organize those sources and key documents.

Westlaw 101
Thursday, September 8th
An introduction to Westlaw and the building blocks of legal research. Learn how to create searches based on key terms and refine your search results, utilize Secondary Sources, leverage annotations in cases and statutes to expand your research and validate your cited authority using KeyCite.

Thriving in a Closed Universe
Thursday, September 22nd
In this brief training we'll show you how to use Westlaw Edge to master your closed-universe legal research assignment! We'll show you how to use WestSearch Plus to answer legal research questions; use Headnotes to understand the law and; use Folders to keep everything organized.

Mastering Your Open Memo
Thursday, October 6th
Feeling overwhelmed with your first open memo assignment? Join this quick 20 minute Westlaw webinar where we'll provide you tips and strategies on how to quickly find relevant cases and statutes for your assignment using KeyCite Flags, Key Number System and Citing References! Attendees will be eligible for prizes during this webinar.

Legal Movies and TV Trivia
Thursday, October 20th
Compete with students across the country in this quick legal movies and TV trivia session.

Top 3 Things You Missed on Westlaw
Thursday, November 3rd
There's a lot to learn from Westlaw Edge about legal research. Be prepared for your next big legal research assignment and make sure you know all about organizing your research (Folders), being more efficient (Custom Pages) and writing better (Write.Law). We'll briefly discuss these topics to ensure that you'll ace your next legal research assignment!