Access to Justice
AI for Justice
for Non-Profit Legal
Service Organizations
AI for Justice
The justice gap
Lack of access to justice has never been more pressing. According to Legal Services Corporation, more than 50 million low-income Americans don’t receive any or enough legal help for 92% of their civil legal problems. And legal service organizations turn away 49% of requests for lack of resources.
Why Thomson Reuters AI?
Our AI for Justice Legal Aid program offers both a Legal Innovators Incubator, where we partner with select organizations to develop use cases maximizing the benefits of Thomson Reuters CoCounsel, our GenAI legal assistant, and a deeply subsidized pricing structure for legal nonprofits, to make this technology as accessible as possible to everyone.
“The most powerful tech innovation in at least a generation, generative AI has the potential to bring about a more efficient, effective, and equitable justice system for everyone. As tech leaders, we at Thomson Reuters have the opportunity and responsibility to develop game-changing solutions—like CoCounsel, our GenAI legal assistant—that put this power safely in the hands of legal professionals, and to ensure legal aid organizations can also access and effectively use it.”
—Laura Safdie, Vice President, Artificial Intelligence GTM & Global Affairs for Thomson Reuters.
Thomson Reuters has a longstanding history of serving, supporting, and helping strengthen the justice system worldwide, by collaborating with organizations such as Lawyers Without Borders, the Justice Technology Association, and Equal Justice Works. New programs for the judiciary include a joint initiative with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) to aid legal professionals in every facet of the justice system in making informed decisions about applying generative AI to their work.

Podcast: How generative AI helps lawyers offer legal aid and pro bono services